Attenuation coefficients of damping materials Answered
I am using OnScale lab for modelling of devices for under water applications. in order to get better results, I need to use damping materials at different frequencies. But I didn't get any idea regarding how to add bulk and shear attenuations of such damping materials at required frequencies. My project is stucked with this problem. I tried 'damping tool' and red the article "what is material damping" for solving this problem. But i didn't get any idea regarding how to set the frequency dependent bulk and shear attenuation factor of materials.
Please give necessary instructions for solving this issue.
Hi Sneha,
Take a look at Help > Command Reference to see where you define the bulk and shear attenuation for the different damping models. E.g. For viscous damping
Best Regards,
Thank you for your support. I am not using analyst mode. I am using designer mode. So when i add new materials in my project, the properties of damping materials like SADM , Perspex etc are incomplete because i don't know how to fix bulk and shear attention of these materials at various frequencies.
The same properties you fill out in the analyst code, you can also fill out when you add a material in Designer.
Best Regards,
Thank you for your support. The actual problem is that I am unable to find out the frequency dependent bulk and shear attenuation coefficients of damping materials which are associated with my project. I tried damping tool for it. But this tool also required bulk and shear attenuation loss factor for completing the task. I red the article ' what is material damping' in OnScale help. But i couldn't get an idea to find out attenuation coefficients of various materials at different frequencies.
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