Define Input Drive Function Answered


I am trying to input pulsed signal however I get the first pulse only when I use User Defined option. The file is in .dat format.

Saved the file as txt format and the following are the first few line of the file:

 0.0000000e+00   0.0000000e+00
   9.9999200e-07  -4.0450850e+00
   1.9999840e-06   4.7552826e+00
   2.9999760e-06  -1.5450850e+00


Appreciate any input.



  • What is your issue?

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  • The pulse signal when inserted in onscale, onscale reads it s as one pulse rather than multiple repeated pulses as what the file is. 

    I want to why when I import a signal that has multiple pulses, onscale reads it as a one pulse and how to import a full signal that has multiple pulses?

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  • Can you share your file?

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  • Can you please give me an email to send the files?

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  • Can you use a file sharing service (google drive, wetransfer etc) and paste the link here?

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  • Sorry, 

    Google drive is actually not working for us, it requires we have a google account. Can you please try using something else.

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  • an email maybe?

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  • The google drive would work if you had uploaded the file to your drive and share it as an open link that anyone can download from.

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  • You can try

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  • Sent it to the email you provided.

    subject: Define Input Drive Function.

    Thank you

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  • I was able to download your file and import data from the file. I could not replicate your issue. Please note, OnScale will only show part of the of the input data up to the duration of the simulation. How long is your Simulation? Can you confirm that the simulation is not as long as a single pulse? How long is your simulation?

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  • doesn't the simulation run for the same amount of time as the input data?

    for example: if I had a 1 minute input signal, wouldn't the simulation run the entire one minute?

    as Idont see how to control the simulation run time without input signal.

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  • Simulation time is a core simulation parameter that you should specify, there are no other means of setting the duration of the simulation. The time in the input file has no influence on that duration. Please see this article. This article could also be helpful

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