Running a Matlab code in analyst mode Answered

I am trying to use onscale analyst mode to design a linear array and then excite plane waves into the medium. I have a Matlab function that calculates the transmit delays that I need to apply to each element of the array. How can I run the Matlab function in my OnScale code and have the results in a variable or different variables?





  • Hi Moein,

    You should be able to convert your MATLAB function into symb code in Analyst as we support mathematical expressions. Take a look at this example which calculates the delay values for a 2D array.

    However, if you would like to use the delay values from MATLAB you can store them in a text file as variables, for example:

    symb delay1 = 1e-6

    symb delay2 = 2e-6


    Then in your flxinp file, you can read these variables in using the symb #read command and loop through these to apply them to your elements, for example:


    do loopK I 1 $narray 1

    defn top$K

    node $i1 $i2 $j1 $j2

    bc top$K volt func 1 $delay$K

    end$ loopK



    I hope this helps!



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  • Hi Chloe, 

    Currently, I calculate the TX delays in matlab and then load them in OnScale code and it works fine. However, my goal is to use my model in a batch run to evaluate the effect of several variables and some of these variables are the input of my Matlab as well. 

    Is there any way to run a matlab code from onscale code?




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  • Hi Moein,

    There is no way to run MATLAB code from OnScale but you can run OnScale code from MATLAB using the toolbox. 

    See the following articles which might be of use:

    Getting Started with MATLAB Toolbox

    Multi Layer Transducer Monte Carlo Study

    Best Regards,


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