Adaptiv Meshgrid Answered
Hello OnScale Team,
I have a simulation as seen below. There is a cylindrical needle displayed in red color. I need to make the mesh grid much finer in the region of the needle. I tried already to use the skew command but it wouldn't work. The needle will be simulated with different angles in regard to the y-axis, so the adaptive grid will have to move (adapt) accordingly.
I hope you can help me.
Best regards,
Hi Michael,
Please see the previous forum post -
Also skew should work for this model so let us know what errors you are getting and we will try to help.
Best Regards,
Hey Chloe,
Thanks for the quick reply! Would you have a 3D example? Also, in my simulation the needle is not going to be parallel to the grid, so I can not do the same thing as in this example you provided. Could you also provide an example on how to use the skew command? I have a hard time understanding the Openscale documentation on this command. It would be very useful. I hope you understand my problem. I am trying to figure this out for days already.
Best Regards,
Hi Michael,
Here is a link to a 3D refined grid example and a 3D skew example -
Best Regards,
Hello Chloe,
I get errors for both files:
File name:
**** PZFlex has detected an error****
****Subroutines tracked are: symcmd syminp redinp crdinp jobctl flex
****Error occurred in subroutine symcmd ****
****Error message****
Error opening file
In the other file materials.prjmat is missing.
You only uploded mat.prjmat
Sorry Michael, that is my fault, if you change the input file to read in mat.prjmat it will work. I have also uploaded the other material file
Best Regards,
Hello Chloe,
unfortunately I am still not able to achieve the result I'm looking for. As seen in the picture in my first post, there is a square blue area. The red area is supposed to be a needle. Since the needle is cylindrical, I need the grid to be cylindrical in the region of the needle. In my simulation the whole grid is square, so the needle's edges also don't look sharp. Also, I want to import a needle model from Solidworks, so the method I am looking for, has to work with an imported model as well.
The example you provided bends the complete simulation region. I hope you have a solution for my problem.
Best regards,
Hi Michael,
We are currently working on a CAD solver which allows you to import Solidworks files and use unstructured meshing so this would be the solution to your problem. However, we have not released this yet and are still in the process of testing this functionality. I do not have a release date but you will definitely be notified when we release.
Best regards,
Hello Chloe,
Is there any exiting example for GCON meshing (triangular elements with variable size) in a 2D geometry without the cad import option (i have seen the example of "wave_prop_gcon.flxinp")?
Also is it possible to combine adaptive and unstructured mesh in a 2D or 3D model?is there any example if it is possible?
Hi Amir,
The only GCON example we have up at the moment is our basic wave propagation as we are still implementing some GCON functionality in our solver. More exciting things will be coming very soon and we plan on creating a lot more content around this so keep an eye out. We are also currently implementing hybrid meshing (structured and gcon) at the moment so this will be available soon as well.
Best regards,
Thanks, Chloe I am looking forward to that.
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