define user input load with an excel file Answered
I am trying to save an excel file as a .dat file in order to use it as the user defined input. The problem I have is that the two column excel file is saved as two simultaneous signals (attached). Is there a way to get rid of the straight line? Or how to do it correctly? Thanks in advance!
Hi Zheng,
Welcome to the forum!
If you split your two column excel file into two separate one column excel files and save them as .dat you can then use the one you want.
Best Regards,
Hi Chloe,
I tried it but it didn't work. My question is how to define a 'user defined' input load so that it can be used in Onscale. Say if I have a signal in .mat or .csv, how to use it as the input in Onscale? Thanks!
Hi Zheng,
Sorry I must have misunderstood the question. Check out this article!
Best Regards,
Hi Chloe,
Thanks for replying. I can insert the user defined function, but while I click estimate, it says 'your model failed to estimate due to a syntax error in the input desk'. Do you know why is it? How to fix this problem? Thanks in advance!
Hi Zheng,
If you look in the *.flxprt file created when you click estimate it should contain the error.
Best Regards,
Hi Chloe,
The error message is: Time data not monotonic: Tn+1=Tn, which I don't understand. Do you know how to fix it?
Hi Zheng,
That means the time data in your drive function is not monotonic (all increasing or decreasing). Have a look at your .dat file and check if the time column is monotonic. If you are still not sure, send the file over to us and we can take a look for you.
Best Regards,
Hi Chloe,
I changed the signal and it should be fine now, but I get a new error: No electrode nodes defined. I am sending my files to you. Thanks!
I am following this example:
Hi Zheng,
We unfortunately did not receive your files, could you try again to send them to
Thank you,
Hi Chloe,
I've sent it again. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks for the help!
Hi Zheng,
I was able to successfully run your files without error. Could you please check that you are on the latest version of OnScale (v1.30.6). You can find this information in Help > About.
Best regards,
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