Load error Answered



When applying the force function to a load, the simulation would not run with this message, (0 nodes have been added to electrode load_3), although applied the forcing function to the load.Am I approaching this wrong?.





  • Official comment

    Hi SD,


    Take a look at the 'no electrodes defined' section of this article.


    Best Regards,


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  • Dear Allison,


    I had looked at this section and already modified based on the recommendation but nothing seems to fix that issue. Is there a way to align the mesh with the Piezoelectric. Already did keypoints.



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  • No problem, can you please share your files via your preferred file sharing service and I can take a look for you.


    Best Regards,


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  • Dear,


    Where to share.



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  • You can share a link here, do you have access to a cloud file sharing service such as Dropbox or SharePoint?

    Best Regards,


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  • Dear,


    Is it possible to share the file by sending an email.



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  • Sure, send your files to support and I will take a look for you.


    Best Regards,


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  • Dear,


    Sent an email with title (Load Error).



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  • Hi SD,


    I have found your problem. If you preview the model you will see that it is just a cylinder of water:

    You should always preview the model to check the set up is correct. The reason the model is just water is because the part with water covers everything else and has the greatest precedence which means it will overwrite everything underneath it so there is indeed, no electrodes here. I would recommend only modelling a quarter of this model since it is symmetric (to cut down the size) and applying symmetry boundary conditions so you can actually see what is occuring inside and so the water doesn't overwrite everything. I have sent you an example model in an email in reply. 


    I hope this helps.


    Best Regards,



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  • Dear,


    Thank you for taking the time to look at the file.



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