2D slice edges aren't straight Answered
How can I stop the jagged edges when converting a 3D mode into a 2D slice? Or how would I draw two lines at a specific angle that are flush with each other?
How can I stop the jagged edges when converting a 3D mode into a 2D slice? Or how would I draw two lines at a specific angle that are flush with each other?
Hi Calum,
The 2D slice tool should not create jagged edges, what did your 3D model look like previously?
Best Regards,
Also, try increasing your meshing as this will give you a more accurate representation of your 3D model.
Hi Chloe,
I made the 3D model using SolidWorks and saving as a step file, when importing the geometry it generates the image below, when viewed with plane view YZ. I've now noticed that this view doesn't generate a 2D image as would be expected, could this be to do with it?
Thanks for your reply,
However on solid works the same view produces this image which is 2D
Hi Calum,
This is definitely a meshing issue, try increasing your mesh size and you will see the effect this has, the stair stepped egde occurs due to the box size being too big.
Best Regards,
Hi Chloe,
I've tried it on a smaller mesh and it still the same result, do I need to go smaller still?
It's only an issue as I want to put a load on the interface between the two objects however to do this I would have to select every single section and apply them all with a load.
Kind regards,
If you make the two parts differently named materials (you can do this using the copy material functionality in the project materials database) then you can use the geometry interface load creation mode and choose to create a load between the two materials.
Best Regards,
Thanks for your help, I used excel in the end to calculate the primitive co-ordinates and inputted them. The other method was going to take a ridiculous amount of time to compute!
Kind regards,
Hi Chloe,
Is it possible to output the shear component of the sound? When I go past the first critical angle with a wedge the sound pressure mainly reflects back into the wedge rather than refracting into the material?
Kind regards,
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