Error running 2D model Answered
HI team
What does it mean when I get a error message saying data not consistent with coords.
I have played around with my file for several hours and I can't seem to get the script to run. If someone would be able to take a look at my file it would be greatly appreciated.
Dave :)
Hi Dave,
It looks like your table file isn't defined correctly. You have 404 x co-ordinates and 380 y co-ordinates. This means you should have 152737 grid elements but you only have 75978 defined. Here is a pdf that should help you with how the table file should be set up.
Best Regards,
Hi Dave,
Yes of course we can take a look at your file. Please share it via your preferred cloud sharing service.
Hi Chloe
Thank you for the response.
Here is the link to my files via OneDrive.
Dave :)
Hi Dave,
Can you please give me permissions to access the files.
Hi Chloe
Please try this link, I changed the settings.
It will ask for a password which is just:
Dave :)
Hi Dave,
Could you send a link to the updated files please. The previous link still has the old ones.
Hi Chloe
I eventually figured out how to solve this issue and have this up and running. So thank you for the document you sent me, it steered me where I had to go and ironed out other issues.
If I may though, I have one last question about a line of coding in my script. In Lines 72 where I read in my rotations file,
The line that reads
I am unsure exactly what is happening here.
From what I can see it is defining the material axis for each material in my rotational file and giving it the name called matAx1. Am I correct saying that the 6 proceeding integers represent (x y z i j k)?
What exactly does this 45. represent and what is it doing to my data and how does it affect my simulation.
Dave :)
Hi Dave,
The above command is defining a local co-ordinate system which allows you to orientate the materials it is applied to. Have a look at the Command Reference for more details on the syntax (available in Help tab of OnScale). But basically the 6 proceeding integers are the x y and z global co-ordinates of the origin of the desired local system co-ordinate and the three rotation angles about the global axes that will transform a global system into the desired local system.
I hope this helps!
Best Regards,
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