Error in cloud estimation Answered
I have created a 3D model of a ring transducer with a copper pipe through it. I have designed two "surface" loads for voltage and when estimated on the cloud, the following error occurs:
input- nod2 fpz26 fpz26 $is $ie $js $je $ks $ke
Material names must be different fpz26 fpz26
Can someone help me fix this?
Hi Akarsha,
Did you create the model in Designer. If so can you share the model via your preferred cloud sharing file service so I can help you debug.
Best Regards,
Hi Chloe,
Yes, I have created the model in Designer.
Here are the files:!AuZoRkApIon5bDfnCgz2JY9cg94?e=uJMcjv
Thank you,
Akarsha S Raj
Hi Akarsha,
You have set the background material to fpz26 (see Geometry in Properties panel). If you change this to void this will fix the issue.
Best Regards,
Hi Chloe,
The problem is resolved. Thank you very much!
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