Error in cloud estimation Answered


I have created a 3D model of a ring transducer with a copper pipe through it. I have designed two "surface" loads for voltage and when estimated on the cloud, the following error occurs:

input-  nod2 fpz26 fpz26 $is $ie $js $je $ks $ke
 Material names must be different fpz26 fpz26

Can someone help me fix this?


  • Hi Akarsha,

    Did you create the model in Designer. If so can you share the model via your preferred cloud sharing file service so I can help you debug.

    Best Regards,

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  • Hi Chloe,

    Yes, I have created the model in Designer.
    Here are the files:!AuZoRkApIon5bDfnCgz2JY9cg94?e=uJMcjv

    Thank you,
    Akarsha S Raj

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  • Hi Akarsha,

    You have set the background material to fpz26 (see Geometry in Properties panel). If you change this to void this will fix the issue. 

    Best Regards,


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  • Hi Chloe, 

    The problem is resolved. Thank you very much!

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