When to implement Rayleigh damping

I was wondering when to use Rayleigh damping when modelling. I am simulating Titanium grain models and have been using the following damping to my model,

rdmp titan $freqdamp db 0.3 1.2 1e+06 1 0.01 1

I am not sure if my understanding around the topic is correct or the actual requirement for accurate simulation.

My concerns are as follows after some research:

1) In metals usually there is no damping. Damping is usually in viscoelastic media. 

2) For understanding  true attenuation from grain better not to consider damping.

3) Damping is not usually considered for modelling metals as it makes things more complex.

Based on these points - I would be better to not include material damping. But when I am reading why it is implemented in OnScale it seems to confuse my reasoning.

If anyone could help clear this up I would be very grateful.  So I know wither to include this parameter or not.

Dave :) 


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