Jeff Dobson
Senior Application Engineer OnScale UK
Activity overview
Latest activity by Jeff Dobson-
Jeff Dobson created an article, Shear Waves
Shear waves are sound waves where the displacement of the material are at right angles to the direction of wave propagation. These types of waves are also known as transverse waves and are only gen...
Jeff Dobson created an article, Displacement
Displacement is a measure of the change in position of an object. Often we will calculate the node displacement during a simulation to identify how a single point or a surface moves due to the forc...
Jeff Dobson created an article, Explicit Solver
Explicit is a type of FEA solver used to solve the differential equations. In an explicit solver, the nodes are effectively 'de-coupled' from each other. This makes the explicit solver ideally suit...
Jeff Dobson created an article, Implicit Solver
Implicit is a type of FEA solver used to solve the differential equations. An implicit method calculates the solution using the current system state and the system state at a later time. This means...
Jeff Dobson created an article, Longitudinal Waves
Longitudinal waves are sound waves where the displacement of the medium occurs in the same direction as the direction of the wave. These types of waves are also known as compressional or pressure w...
Jeff Dobson created an article, Voltage
Voltage is the pressure emitted from an electrical power source. it is a quantitative expression of the potential difference in charge between two points in an electric field. Voltage is also know...
Jeff Dobson created an article, X, Y, Z
In a 3D coordinate system a point P is referred to by three real numbers (ccordinates) indicating the positions of the perpendicular projections from the axes which intersect at the origin. These a...
Jeff Dobson created an article, Young's Modulus
Young's Modulus (also known as the modulus of elasticity E) is the numerical value which defines the stiffness of a material measured in Newtons per square meter. Young's Modulus is a measure of ho...
Jeff Dobson created an article, Extracting and Viewing Mode Shapes
OnScale has the ability to extract harmonic data out from the time-domain simulation to give engineers a deeper understanding of how their device behaves at particular frequencies. Harmonic data li...
Jeff Dobson created an article, Overview of Post Processor Features
OnScale's Post Processing Mode is a suite of tools in which users can visualise output data generated from OnScale simulations. This video covers how to do the the following in Post Process Mode: ...