Yang Song
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Latest activity by Yang Song-
Yang Song created a post, AnsweredWhy voltage output is equal to zero?
This is my model. I input force at the bottom of the steel block. I can get the displacement at the point in figure. But the output voltage is equal to zero. I don't know why. c mem 800 200 /* All...
Yang Song created a post, AnsweredHow to find resonant frequenfcy?
As the figure, I establish a acoustic emission transducer module, I want to find the resonant frequency, I know I should give a electrical exciation input, but what kind of input should I use? Sien...
Yang Song created a post, AnsweredHow to see deformations shape?
If I use "shap" command, I can only see deformation shape at a certain frequency, I want to see the shape at all frequencies, how should I write my code? shap symb freq1 = 8e4 symb freq2 = 5e4...
Yang Song commented, Thank you, Chloe!
Yang Song created a post, AnsweredHow to sweep frequency?
This is my model, sine pressure load loads to bottom of matching layer. I want to change the frequency of load from 20kHz to 200kHz, how do I sweep freuency?
Yang Song commented, I don't know why the simulation failed, for exmaple, the simulation ID is ea8eeed7-3563-4e51-85f8-85d82d48bced. I even don't get the output file folder "1".
Yang Song created a post, How time used?
I ran 10 models successively, and each model was estimated to take about 0.2 core time before running. But all failed, my left ch is -10.2. I don't understand how my core time is being spent.
Yang Song created a post, A wrong curve.
I put a transducer on the steel block. The block is pushed vertically upwards. The pointA is located at (0,100). The displacement in the vertically direction should be like figure1. But I get figur...