Chloe Allison
Hi there, Sorry for the delayed response. The URL has been fixed now. Please check out this article, for the method. Thanks, Chloe
Hi Moein, There is no way to run MATLAB code from OnScale but you can run OnScale code from MATLAB using the toolbox. See the following articles which might be of use: Getting Started with MATLAB ...
Hi Anthony, Apologies for the delayed reply. 11 GB is quite a large file, it may take some time to read that into the post processor, let me know if you have any issues with it, if the post process...
Hi Ahmad, Unfortunately there is no easy way to convert a model from 2D axisymmetric to 3D, this must be done manually. Best Regards, Chloe
Hi Anthony, From the logs it looks like the job reached ~10% before it was cancelled. If it was taking longer than expected it could be due to a high number of frames requested in the output video?...
Hi Anthony, Could you please provide the jobID, you can find this in the job status tab: Thanks, Chloe
Hi there, Unfortunately there is no way to import data fields into Designer mode, this is only possible in Analyst Mode. Best Regards, Chloe
Hi Moein, You should be able to convert your MATLAB function into symb code in Analyst as we support mathematical expressions. Take a look at this example which calculates the delay values for a 2D...
Official comment
Hi Li, Here is the file. Best Regards, Chloe
The same properties you fill out in the analyst code, you can also fill out when you add a material in Designer. Best Regards, Chloe