simtime in analyst mode Answered
Hi I have questions about simtime in analyst mode
c Runtime calculations
symb #get { step } timestep /* Extract calculated timestep from PRCS command
symb simtime = 20 / $freqint /* Simulation time - 40 Cycles @ 1 MHz
symb nexec = $simtime / $step /* Determine how many timesteps to run full model
symb nloops = 20 /* Plotting snapshots during model execution
symb nexec2 = $nexec / $nloops /* Partition full simulation into smaller segments for Plotting
I change the number 20 in "simtime" to 80, to increase the simulation time for estimating longer time.
But if i change the number 20 to 80 simulation increases, but piezo top voltage changes. When I put 80 there aren't any output signal at 5e-05 time but 20 have.Below graphs are when constant is 20, 80, 20&80 in order. what i don't understand more is that displacement and charges are all the same on the overlapping time.
Can you tell me what's my problem is? I only change the constant in "simtime"
Always thank you for helping me.
The results should be the same for the time that the two simulations overlap. Increasing the number from 20 to 80 should not change anything for the first 59us. 80 -> 20 + 60. The same operations occur between 20 and the first 20 of 80.
If there is a difference it is likely that something else has changed in your model.There currently is not enough information to determine what this could be. Do you mind sharing the entirity of your script?
c Set model title
You have configured your setup to change with time. When you change simTime from 20 to 80 you also change the time at which your model configuration changes. If you want them to be the same, keep the configuration fixed with time.
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