Error occurred in subroutine extdta - Error message - length less than 0 data

Respected Sir, Madam,

I tried to run my model by creating "visc" line elements to attempt creating my own non-reflective boundary in OnScale for guided wave simulations and received the error given below:



**** PZFlex has detected an error****
****Subroutines tracked are: extdta vewmgr exegrd jobctl flex
****Error occurred in subroutine extdta ****
****Error message****

length less than 0 data

data manager summary: last name = 314 maximum names= 20000
(numeric ) words used = 27633253 maximum words = 256000000
(character) words used = 617713 maximum words = 2500001

Equivalently in Mbytes:
(numeric ) Mbyte used = 110 maximum Mbyte = 1024
(character) Mbyte used = 12 maximum Mbyte = 50
* PZFlex processing started at Sun Sep 13 13:57:20 2020 *
* PZFlex processing suspended-error detected at Sun Sep 13 14:39:37 2020 *
* Machine: cdcc51aa-b2ce-4566-964f-c31cfa Warnings: 4 *
* Total cpu minutes for job: 80.15900 *



Please find the flxprt file in the link below:




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