error submitting job Answered
I try to RUN my design but this message shows up. however when I estimate no errors in the design.
any idea why is that?
I try to RUN my design but this message shows up. however when I estimate no errors in the design.
any idea why is that?
Can you try a quick log out please, then log back in. I think the account has just timed out.
If this doesn't work can you log in to the portal and check how many core hours CH you have left in your account.
Best regards,
I checked the core hours it is 10 of 10 and I also did a quick log out and log back again . the problem still the same
Strange, what is the email address linked to your account? I'll look into this for you.
I had a look at your account on the portal. Am I correct in saying that you signed up for the OnScale Solve Beta?
You have run 2 simulations called Mechanical Study 1 and Mechanical Study 2 which is currently the naming convention for solve simulations.
I myself have a solve account and tried it with the local version of OnScale and was able to recreate your error.
To use the local version of OnScale please create a new account.
Best regards,
dear sir
no! I am not using Solve Beta. I'm using local version onscale. however, now I create a new account based on your last reply and still have the same problem. moreover, I uninstall and download again the onscale and still the same.
my new account:
best regards
Same problem. I can not submitting jobs even though some new accounts have been created.
Hi Guys,
I'm reaching out to our developers to try and work out whats going on. I take it you used this link to sign up for your accounts?:
Could you check that you are submitting jobs to the AWS cluster.
Did you mean this? I do not know. When I clicked "Jobs" option in my account, nothing showed.
Hi Guys,
I've identified the issue unfortunately there isn't a work around for this. I'm waiting for our developers to fix this.
Sorry please bare with us and I will update this post when everything has been sorted.
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