• Official comment



    I think this may be a memory problem. How much RAM does your system have access to?

    I was able to estimate the model, I have a 16GB of RAM.

    Best regards,


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  • HI,Oliver

    MY system memory is 8G,but the model run on the cloud server ,doesn't it?

    I don't quite understand where the model run,on my system or on the ONSCALE cloud server.



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  • Yes it does run on the cloud. Although, 1 timestep is run on the local system to get the full estimate.

    So if you don't have access to enough RAM what happens is sometimes the estimate will fail. If you check the flxprt file close to the bottom of the file you will likely find an error message that says sim failed due to lack of RAM.

    You can work around this. Check out this article on our estimate override feature. Please don't request excessive amounts of RAM for this simulation with the current element size 6GB is a sufficient request.



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  • Hey,Oliver

    Could you receive my comment?

    If you can,could you please tell me whether the 3D phased array model code can run on other software,such as PZFlex? Because my system has no enough RAM to estimate and run the model code,I want to try run it on the PZFlex software.But it may not success to run.



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  • Hey,

    Yes the model should run on a system with PZFLex, however if you follow the article linked below you will be able to submit the simulation to the cloud using OnScale:


    This will allow you to override the estimate, completely skipping the estimate entirely.


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  • Hey,Oliver

    I have read the article and followed that.But I donnot get the result.There is no any file in cloud storage,just like the following pictuers showing. I don't know what went wrong.


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  • Hi

    Do you have any files in the storage? If there is a FLXPRT file can you download that and check that file for any errors.



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  • HEY,

    There should be no error in the code,because I downloaded it from the ANALYST example.I think it may be because my account has no enough core hours for free.But why the PZT_2D has the same situation,like the picture below.The PZT_2D should not require more than 10 core hours.Is it because I have no enough core hours left?If so,could you tell me how to check my remain core hours ?


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  • If it has failed because you don't have enough CH then it should still tell you that in the flxprt file.

    You can check the CH balance by logging into the portal




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  • Hey,

    I have checked my CH balance ,and I have 9 hours left,but why I can not run the PZT_2D example model?


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  • Did you try refreshing the storage? sometimes the files may take sometime to be uploaded to the storage

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  • After you open the storage (1), click the green arrow icon (2) this is how you refresh the storage

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  • hey

    I refreshed the job storage many times,but there is still no any file like your picture showing.

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  • hey,Oliver

    what should I do?I always can't get the result.The cloud results is always empty,no matter how many times I have refreshed.Or should I have to pay for that?


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  • Hey,

    Could you send the flxinp and any other dependent files you are working with to oliver.mashari@onsclae.com and I will take a look. On the portal it's showing these simulations failed this is why you have no files in the storage

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  • hey,Oliver

    first,I am sorry that I  have just checked  the forum  comment and my email. 

    second,I have sent you two emails,but it can‘t be sent out may because the address is valid or other reasons.

    what should I do?

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  • Hi Oliver,

    I am facing the exact same problem that Hxd-ndt had faced. None of the example scripts seem to generate any result despite refreshing the cloud storage many times. Has this issue been resolved, If yes I would like to know how. Thanks!

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  • Hi Sowmiya,

    What is the email address connected to the OnScale account you are using?


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  • Hi Oliver,

    I am connected via s.chandramoorthi@erasmusmc.nl



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