Error running review file - forrtl: severe (67): input statement requires too much data

Hi there,

I am trying to run a review file to export data from an existing .flxdato file. When I try to read in the .flxdato file I keep getting the following error in the console window:

forrtl: severe (67): input statement requires too much data, unit 31, file

Can you please help me figure out what is going wrong here?




  • Hey Laura,

    Seeing as you are using review you could use the data out1 command which will drastically reduce the file size of the flxdato file. Just change all data out to data out1.

    You will need to rerun the simulation however.

    Note: When using the out1 option you can't import these files into the Post Processor as they are no longer compatabile.


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  • Hi Oliver,

    Thanks for your reply. I can't seem to get data out1 to work, when I run the simulation using this command I don't see any files generated upon completion, so I have no file available to load into the review input. Do you know why this is happening? 

    As a side note, since I couldn't get the data out1 to work, I reverted back to the regular data out command but I made the simulation contain less elements to check if the .flxdato file being smaller would allow me to load it into the review file.. I got the .flxdato file down to around 20 Mb (from 120 Mb), but still got the same forrtl severe error. So this is making me think it might not be .flxdato file size that's causing the problem.

    Many Thanks,



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  • Update, my problem is now fixed. I went into solver settings > review tab > then noticed precision was set at double and when I changed it to single the file was able to be read in without any issues.



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