abnormal wave propagation and bad value error
As the gif showing,the ultrasonic wave propagates to the boundary of the model and is absorbed,but a few seconds later,a wave of chaos appears from the boundary. After the chaos wave propagated for a few seconds,the job finished abnormally and reported error of bad values.
The following code is the list of nodes and the BC I set .
x1 ( real ) = 0.000000
x2 ( real ) = 0.8000000E-03
x3 ( real ) = 0.8608000
x4 ( real ) = 0.8618000
idx ( integer ) = 4
xmax ( real ) = 0.8618000
y1 ( real ) = 0.000000
y2 ( real ) = 0.1625000E-01
y3 ( real ) = 0.3625000E-01
y4 ( real ) = 0.4625000E-01
y5 ( real ) = 0.6625000E-01
y6 ( real ) = 0.7625000E-01
y7 ( real ) = 0.9625000E-01
y8 ( real ) = 0.1062500
y9 ( real ) = 0.1262500
y10 ( real ) = 0.1362500
y11 ( real ) = 0.1562500
y12 ( real ) = 0.1662500
y13 ( real ) = 0.1862500
y14 ( real ) = 0.1962500
y15 ( real ) = 0.2162500
y16 ( real ) = 0.2262500
y17 ( real ) = 0.2462500
jaend ( integer ) = 17
y18 ( real ) = 0.3300000
jdx ( integer ) = 18
ymax ( real ) = 0.3300000
i1 ( integer ) = 1
i2 ( integer ) = 9
i3 ( integer ) = 8072
i4 ( integer ) = 8081
indgrd ( integer ) = 8081
j1 ( integer ) = 1
j2 ( integer ) = 153
j3 ( integer ) = 341
j4 ( integer ) = 435
j5 ( integer ) = 622
j6 ( integer ) = 716
j7 ( integer ) = 903
j8 ( integer ) = 997
j9 ( integer ) = 1184
j10 ( integer ) = 1278
j11 ( integer ) = 1465
j12 ( integer ) = 1559
j13 ( integer ) = 1746
j14 ( integer ) = 1840
j15 ( integer ) = 2027
j16 ( integer ) = 2121
j17 ( integer ) = 2308
j18 ( integer ) = 3093
jndgrd ( integer ) = 3093
side xmin free
defn x860 absr
node $i3 $i3 $j1 $j18
defn x861 absr
node $i3+1 $i3+1 $j1 $j18
side xmax absr
side ymin free
side ymax absr
Could please explain the reason and how to set the BC? If need,I can share my input file.
Best regards
By the way , I posted two yesterday, but still pending approval.Please pass my posts and look forward to the answer and reply.
Take a look at this: https://support.onscale.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013088992-IMPD-Impedance-vs-ABSR-Absorbing-Boundary-Conditions
Try switching out to IMPD.
Can you share the model files with us? Maybe an image of the geometry and where you would like to place the absorbers would help.
Please click this link to download my code file and help me debug it.
Best Regards
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