Damping Tool Answered

Hi there,


I am trying to use the damping tool but when I put in my material property values I get the error:

"WARNING: Damping Tool unable to match material!"

I thought this meant there was a problem with the values I was using. However, I then tried inputting the values from the example given in: https://support.onscale.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022308411-Damping-Tool 

..and I still get the same error message. 

Please can someone let me know why I am having this problem?





  • Hi Laura,

    What values are you trying to input? Also what version of OnScale are you using?

    I'm also getting errors when I try to input the values on that attached link. I'm using the most up to date version. OnScale 1.30.11. 


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  • Actually, I've been told that that there was a problem with the damping tool that has been fixed. We are just waiting for the new release version to be given the green light.

    I will update you when we have pushed a new version.

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  • Thank you, that's great.

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  • Hi, do you know if the bug is already fixed? 



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  • As far as I'm aware the bugs have been fixed, we're in the final stages of testing a new version of the application. The update will be coming soon.

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  • Hello,

    Has this been resolved? I am running version and have the same error.

    Thank you,


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  • I still get this error ( version, Flex_v1.7.7).  When will it be resolved?

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