2D symmetric(Y axis) / area scaling Answered

Hi i have some questions about shape of model of 2D y-axis symmetric mode.
I always get an result of 2d y-axis symmetric as half cylinder,
but if i want to get model as cylinder, is there any way i can do except making it in 3D model?

I mean is there any way i can rotate 2d symmetric model 360 degree?

Firstly i understand the area scaling as rotation parameter, but i found it doesn't make any difference in shape.Thank you so much for helping me:)

1 comment

  • You can use the

    mirr y on

    command to show the other half. You can find more details on this command in the command reference.

    Area scaling is not a rotation parameter. It is a scaling factor used to scale the dimension length perpendicular to the symmetry axis and get the correct cross-sectional area of an electrode. It is used to correctly calculate electrode electrical measurements and nothing else. It is not required for an axisymmetric model.


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