B-Scans are often used in CFRP applications to characterise defects. In this example we will simulate an immersion B-Scan inspection of a CFRP laminate with a delamination defect.
Model Description
This simple 2D model simulates an immersion inspection of a CFRP laminate containing a delamination defect. The model comprises of a CFRP laminate with 24 ply layers and thin inter-ply resin layers. The number of plies is variable and their orientation is read into the model from an external CSV file, allowing for different laminates to be simulated.
Download and Open the Model
OnScale Input Files have the file extension *.flxinp. To open the downloaded file:
- Open OnScale
- Select Analyst Mode
- Select the Menu button in the top left of the application
- Select Open

Preview Model
Preview model is used to see the geometry dimensions and material assignment of your model to check your script is correct. To preview a model, select the Preview Model icon in the Home tab of the application ribbon.
Note: Preview model will display data from any grph commands that come before the prcs command. If you have more than one grph command, you can cycle through the graphics by continuously selecting Preview Model. To close the preview, select Stop Preview.
Run Model on Cloud
- Select Run on Cloud
- Set txloc's Start Value to 0, End Value to 0.03 and Simulations to 20
- Select Estimate
- Select Run

Download Results
- From the Home tab, select the Storage icon
- Select the Refresh icon to refresh storage
- Select the Job Name from the dropdown menu
- Right click a fold Download > Download All

Choose a directory to download the results to. These results will be stored in the folder: CFRP_Laminate-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS\X where YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS is the current date and time and X is the simulation number.
Switch to Post Processor
Post Processor is a suite of tools used to visualise and analyse output data generated from OnScale simulations. Switch to Post Processor.
What kind of analysis can I do in Post Processor? Find out here.
Analyse Results
To plot the B-Scan, we have created a script in Matlab, however this can also be done in your post-processing language of choice - Python, Octave etc.
- Navigate to the directory which the MATLAB Files where downloaded to
- Right click the downloaded folder and select Extract All > Extract
- Open the downloaded folder and copy the contents into same directory as CFRP_Laminate-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS
- Open BscanPP.m in MATLAB
- Change folder variable to reflect your job folder CFRP_Laminate-YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS
- Select Run
What's Next?
Simulate CFRP Laminate with Delaminate in 3D