OnScale integrates a new modal solver which is actually in Beta Testing Phase.
If you are interested to try it, I will detail briefly in this article how to structure your input file to calculate a number of modal frequencies and export the mode shape pictures.
Note: this modal solver is only available in Analyst Mode through script, it is not integrated yet in the Designer mode.
Important: Implicit mechanical requires double precision for reliable result
Because of that, you will need to go in the Options>Solver Settings and choose "Double Precision" for local run. If you are using the cloud, choose "Double Precision" when you run the script.
Example of Modal Analysis:
This is a very simple 3D model that you can use to test the modal solver:
Here is a sample code to run a modal analysis of a 3D Strip:
c mem 800 200 /* Allocate 800 megawords of memory - 3 GigaBytes (Not necesarry for Windows Operating Systems) c NOTE: MEM Command must be first command in file, if used. (Line 1) rest no c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Generated Flex Input File c c ************************************************************************************************************* c c DESIGNER :OnScale - Designer Generated c MODEL DESCRIPTION : c DATE CREATED :11 Feb 2020 c VERSION :1.0 c c BASE UNITS : kg-m-s c STRESS : Pa c FORCE : N c ************************************************************************************************************* mp omp * * /* Number of CPUs to be used in the execution. end titl modal strip 3D c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Define User Variables c c ************************************************************************************************************* c c These variables have been set by the user through the interface. c c ************************************************************************************************************* c Simulation Variables symb AccelGrav = 9.81 /* m/s^2 symb nbFreqs = 10 /* Number of Modes symb neigar = 3 /* number of Arnoldi vectors c symb #get { JobName } jobname text File_prcs = '$(JobName)_prcs.flxrsto' symb coordFactor = 1.0 /* Coordinate conversion factor symb timeFactor = 1.0 /* Time conversion factor symb dMassFactor = 1.0 /* Mass conversion factor c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Define Materials c c ************************************************************************************************************* matr c -------------------------------------------------------------- c type : MISC : c name : steel : c desc : Steel, generic : c -------------------------------------------------------------- wvsp off type elas prop steel 7700. 160.e9 80.e9 0.010000 end c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Define Meshing c c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Set the variable for the approximate element size for the model. Must be c sufficient to represent the wavelengths of interest. Recommended that at least c 15 elements per wavelength are used. c c ************************************************************************************************************* symb box = 0.005 /* Size in X,Y Dir symb box2 = 0.005 /* Size in Z Dir c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Geometry Locations (XYZ) c c ************************************************************************************************************* c Scale Parameters symb xmin = 0.0 * $coordFactor symb xmax = 0.04 * $coordFactor symb ymin = 0.0 * $coordFactor symb ymax = 0.4 * $coordFactor symb zmin = 0.0 * $coordFactor symb zmax = 0.04 * $coordFactor c Determine lengths of the model symb xlen = ( $xmax - $xmin ) symb ylen = ( $ymax - $ymin ) symb zlen = ( $zmax - $zmin ) c *************************************************** c c Keypoints in the X-Direction c c *************************************************** symb #keycord x 1 $xmin $xlen symb #get { idx } rootmax x c *************************************************** c c Keypoints in the Y-Direction c c *************************************************** symb #keycord y 1 $ymin $ylen symb #get { jdx } rootmax y c *************************************************** c c Keypoints in the Z-Direction c c *************************************************** symb #keycord z 1 $zmin $zlen symb #get { kdx } rootmax z c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Indices Locations (IJK) c c ************************************************************************************************************* c Grid in I direction, using approximately element size of 'box' and at least 1 element symb #keyindx i 1 $idx 1 $box 1 symb indgrd = $i$idx c Grid in J direction, using approximately element size of 'box' and at least 1 element symb #keyindx j 1 $jdx 1 $box 1 symb jndgrd = $j$jdx c Grid in K direction, using approximately element size of 'box' and at least 1 element symb #keyindx k 1 $kdx 1 $box2 1 symb kndgrd = $k$kdx c ************************************************************************************************************* c c GCON Grid & Geometry Allocation c c ************************************************************************************************************* grid $i$idx $j$jdx $k$kdx geom keypnt $idx $jdx $kdx end c -------------------------------------------------------------- c Project Material List c -------------------------------------------------------------- site regn void blok steel 0.0 0.04 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.04 end grph set imag png type standard line on plot matr imag model end term c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Boundary Definitions c c ************************************************************************************************************* c grav 0 0 -$AccelGrav boun side xmin free side xmax free side ymin fixd side ymax free side zmin free side zmax free end c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Calculated Properties c c ************************************************************************************************************* c c By default, Flex only calculates the minimum required data set, typically this c means only velocities. This is done for memory efficiency. Should other c properites be required (e.g. displacements, stresses, strains, pressure), then c these must be requested by the CALC command. The manual lists all these options c c ************************************************************************************************************* calc disp x y z end eign modes $nbFreqs 1 $neigar end symb #msg 1 Checking Model Integrity...... prcs grph type standard line on set imag png plot matr imag model.png end c term proc NormalizeDisps save data symb #get { rMaxDisp } datamax tdsp symb ScaleFactor = 1. / $rMaxDisp * 0.05 scal tdsp $ScaleFactor end end$ proc do loop1 I 1 $nbFreqs 1 eign modes $nbFreqs $I $neigar end exec 1 calc vmag tdsp xdsp ydsp zdsp end proc NormalizeDisps grph type standard line on set imag png nvew 1 1 disp $ScaleFactor plot tdsp imag mode_$I.png end c term end$ loop1 symb #msg 2 > 'freqs.txt' Mode frequencies and relative residuals --------------------------------------- do expFreqLoop I 1 $nbFreqs 1 symb #get { freq } arpack/d $I 1 1 symb #msg 1 >> 'freqs.txt' Freq $I : $freq end$ expFreqLoop c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Save modal frequencies to file for later use c c ************************************************************************************************************* symb #msg 2 > 'freqs.txt' Mode frequencies and relative residuals --------------------------------------- do expFreqLoop I 1 $nbFreqs 1 symb #get { freq } arpack/d $I 1 1 symb #msg 1 >> 'freqs.txt' Freq_$I $freq end$ expFreqLoop c ************************************************************************************************************* c c Save symbol variables to file for later use c c ************************************************************************************************************* symb #get { labl } jobname symb #save '$labl.symb' stop /* return to command prompt
Mode frequencies and relative residuals --------------------------------------- Col 1 Col 2 Row 1: 2.08198D+02 1.12139D-15 Row 2: 2.08198D+02 1.05739D-15 Row 3: 1.24897D+03 9.84899D-17 Row 4: 1.24897D+03 2.40239D-17 Row 5: 1.83727D+03 1.58142D-17 Row 6: 3.23913D+03 2.67841D-17 Row 7: 3.29010D+03 1.39523D-17 Row 8: 3.29010D+03 1.30021D-17 Row 9: 5.51091D+03 5.44624D-17 Row 10: 5.97917D+03 2.20058D-17
Modes Shapes:
Comparison with Theory (Roark's formula for stress and strain):
Kn |
fn (Hz) |
OnScale fn (Hz) |
Error |
3.51601527 |
51.01706952 |
51.02811 |
0.0216% |
22.0344915 |
319.7185161 |
317.7999 |
0.6037% |
61.6972144 |
895.2211052 |
881.1394 |
1.5981% |
120.901916 |
1754.276071 |
1702.803 |
3.0228% |
The way to use this solver is the following:
Use this new eign command after calc and before prcs
eign modes 10 1 3 end
10: number of modes
1: mode shape requested
3: nb of arnoldi vectors ( for control of precision)
After that, use exec 1 to execute 1 step of calculation.
exec 1
Right after the exec:
calc vmag tdsp xdsp ydsp grph type standard line on set imag png nvew 1 1 disp 0.0000001 plot tdsp imag mode_1.png end
vmag calculates total displacement array called tdsp from the xdsp and ydsp arrays.
grph will plot the mode shape requested
Note: Currently it is only possible to plot one mode shape at the time (second argument of “modes 10 1 3”). If you want all mode shapes, you have to use a loop like in the 3D strip example
You can then use the following code after the exec to write all the frequencies to a text file
symb #msg 2 > 'freqs.txt' Mode frequencies and relative residuals --------------------------------------- symb nbFreqs = 10 do expFreqLoop I 1 $nbFreqs 1 symb #get { freq } arpack/d $I 1 1 symb #msg 1 >> 'freqs.txt' Freq $I : $freq end$ expFreqLoop
The modal frequencies calculated are stored in the array arpack/d
(You can see it in the data manager)
Note: The “symb #msg nb” command print to console the nb next code lines. If you add “ > filename.txt” it will save to a file instead. If you use “>>” it will append to the end of the file. You can then make a loop which find the frequency variable in the arpack/d array and save it into a variable freq
Limitations of the current modal solver
The current modal solver doesn't support viscous damping vdmp. Thus you can only calculate the modal shapes of a transducer without the water around it.
Make sure that you do not have the vdmp damping model in your material properties.