The cloud scheduler has a feature which allows the user to add and link files to their job so jobs can successfully run without all supporting files in same folder. Files can be added or linked to a job via the buttons in the cloud scheduler:
Add File
If the cloud scheduler does not find a file that is required to run the model input file then you may have to add it manually via the Add File button. Files can be added from your local machine or taken from the cloud. Another instance where you might need to add files to your job is demonstrated in the following video.
Tip: Only add files from one job to avoid files being overwritten
Find File
Supporting files are no longer required to be in the same folder as the model input file. Files can be linked from other local folders and even from the cloud! If a supporting file is not in the same folder as the model input file then the cloud scheduler will provide the user with a warning and the supporting file will have a red icon beside it. You cannot run a job successfully unless all files which are referenced in the model input file are linked. Files can be linked via your local machine or the cloud using the Find File button.
It is very important to note that if there are any linked files in the cloud scheduler, you cannot estimate and therefore must override the estimate. Estimates can be overridden if the Advanced Cloud Job Submission option is enabled in the settings. OnScale settings can be accessed through the cog icon in the right top hand corner of the application. The Configuration option takes you to a dialogue which contains all settings for every aspect of the application. The setting in Cloud Account Configuration must be enabled to allow for linked file jobs to be run on the cloud.