Here's an overview of what can be simulated in OnScale.
Physics & Computation
- Piezoelectric effects
- Acoustics and solid mechanics
- Elastic waves & mode conversions
- Nonlinear geometric effects
- Contact and large deformation
- Sophisticated absorbing boundary conditions. Both linear and nonlinear waves
- Coupled Thermo-Mechanical effects
- Nonlinear propagation
- Element erosion
- Steady-State Flow
- Electrostatics (cMUTs)
- Electromagnetics
- Electrical Circuit
- MPI on local and cluster-based systems
- Multi-Billion element models
- 10-15 million elements per GB RAM
- Cloud computing resource available
Meshing & Finite Elements
- 1D, 2D and 3D element types
- Axisymmetric Constraints
- 2D and 3D Hexahedral elements
- 2nd order linear elements
- Skewed elements and grids
- Automatic Standard Partition Meshing options
- General Connectivity supported (Tets, degenerated Hexes)
- Specialised elements such as: Shell, Beam, Bar, Spring, Contact elements
- Tetrahedral, Hexahedral, Prism, Pyramid element interpolation options
- Refined Grid capability
- Structured Grid supported
Geometry Modelling
- Primitive solid objects: block, cylinder, torus, ellipse, cone etc
- Extrude, revolve, sweep
- Boolean operations: fuse, cut etc
- Combination of points, lines, surfaces, solids etc
- Work plane with 2D modelling
- Image to material map importation
- CAD Importation and manipulation
- Create geometry from arbitrary arrays
- Copy and duplicate geometry and structures
- Local axis positioning and referencing
- Linear Elastic
- Anistropic Materials
- Piezoelectric Materials
- Electrostrictive Materials
- Magnetostrictive Materials
- Nonlinear Tissues
- Comprehensive Damping Models (Frequency Dependent)
- Time varying materials
- Nonlinear material properties available as functions (e.g. dependance on stress)
- Thermal properties
- Viscosity & plasticity effects
Results & Tools
- Interactive 3D Graphics
- Embedded Graphics for runtime plotting
- Vector Plots
- Surface and isosurface Plots
- Splining and slices
- Contours
Custom Tools
- Extrapolation Tools
- GUI Wizards for rapid model creation and simulation
- Scripting
- Interactive HTML Help
- 3D Interactive Graphics
- Over 500 example models
- Extensive material database
Post-Processing & Analysis
- Impedance & Admittance Calculations
- FFTs
- Beam Profiles
- Displacement Shapes
- Pulse-Echo Simulations
- Broadband Analysis
- Harmonic Analysis (Mode Shapes)
- Radiation Force Calculation
- Loss Calculations
- Transmit Voltage Response
- Averages, Integration, Max/Mins, Flux of fields over arbitrary surfaces, lines, volumes and objects
- Custom functions for mathematical operations, spatial locations, field extraction and more
- text
- excel
- images
- CAD formats
- 3rd Party FE meshes
- matlab
- text
- excel
- images
- matlab
- Animations