Adding Primitives

Let's go ahead and add the PZT and water to our model.

OnScale supports the importing of CAD files, but we can easily create this model using 2D primitives (shapes). In fact, we'll only need the rectangle primitive.

Adding Water

Let's start off by adding water.

In the Home tab of the ribbon, in the Primitives group, click Rectangle.


A rectangle is shown in your model and is listed as primitive_1 under Primitives in the Model Tree.

Now let's set the primitive's properties!

Setting the Properties for Water

With your new primitive, primitive_1, selected in the Model Tree, the Properties window will show its properties.

For the Material property, select watr.

Next expand the Begin and End properties to show each one's X and Y coordinates. To draw a rectangle, you only need to give OnScale the coordinates of two points (the opposite corners of the rectangle). We'll leave the begin coordinates of our rectangle as they are (0.0, 0.0), but we'll set its end coordinates using parameters.

To use a parameter for a property, click use-parameter-for-property.png and select Use Parameter for Property. You can then select a parameter to use.

Use the water_xend and water_yend parameters to set the end point of your rectangle.


Note: The water will probably extend beyond your screen. To fix this, from the Model Graphics tab of the ribbon, click Reset View. Alternatively you can right-click the model and select Reset View or, with the model view selected, just press R on your keyboard. In the next article we'll talk about the different ways in which you can explore your model.

Adding PZT

Now add the PZT, following the same steps as before. Set the Begin and End parameters as so:

Begin X
Begin Y pzt_thk_start 
End X pzt_rad 
End Y pzt_thk_end 

Note: The PZT is shown on top of the water because we added it after the water. OnScale assigns a "precedence" to primitives based on the order in which you create them. You can change the precedence of a primitive: just edit the Precedence property.

What Next?

Now that we've added our primitives and can see our model, let's talk about how you can explore a model in Designer.