The Mode Shape Tool allows users to easily visualize the mode shape data stored from an OnScale run. When the extensive mode shape datasets are stored in an OnScale run, a SHPHST (time histories) file containing all the velocity information is created. In addition to this, if the user requests data overlays from the mode shape information, a FLXSHP (data arrays) file will also be stored.
The Mode Shape Tool can be called from the Tools tab in Post Processor:
To load the SHPHST file generated by the OnScale run, the user must use the Open button in the Load Results section. Once loaded the user will be presented with a graphical representation of their model and all the possible specifications needed to plot different mode shapes.
To operate the tool, the user must define the frequency of interest and nodal range they wish to capture. After setting the frequency of interest, simply click start. The user can create movies of the mode shape across the 360 degree phase angle range or can capture the mode shape displacement at specified phase angles.
Mode Shape Images
Mode shape images can be saved using the Save Active View icon down at the right hand corner of the Mode Shape Tool window. All images can be saved as:
Mode Shape Movies
All mode shape movies are automatically saved in MPG format once the user selects Start. These movies are given the default name modeshape-filename where filename is the name of the file used to obtain the mode shape datasets.
Presently the only way to output shphst files in OnScale is to use the Analyst mode the designer mode does not offer this as an output. Below is a code snippet that will output ydsp and save it to a shphst file that can be used in the mode shape tool.
histname shape /* this must be input before SHAPD
histname shapd ydsp * * * * * /* ydsp is the y-displacement array
This is how you output the files needed to use the mode shape tool. If you need more information on these commands refer to the OnScale command reference that can be accessed via the application!